Manuel Trajtenberg
מנואל טרכטנברג
“Patent Citations and the Geography of Knowledge Spillovers: A Reassessment – Comment” (with Rebecca Henderson and Adam Jaffe). American Economic Review, 95 (1), March 2005, pp. 461- 464.
“Market Value and Patent Citations” (with Adam Jaffe and Bronwyn H. Hall). Rand Journal of Economics, Vol. 36 (1), Spring 2005, pp. 16 – 38.
“A General Purpose Technology at Work: The Corliss Steam Engine in the late 19th Century US” (with Nathan Rosenberg). The Journal of Economic History, Vol. 64, No. 1, March 2004, pp. 61-99.
“In Memoriam: Zvi Griliches (1930-1999).” (joint with Ernst R. Berndt). Journal of Economic and Social Measurement, 27 (2001), pp. 93-97.
“Innovation in Israel 1968-97: A Comparative Analysis Using Patent Data.” Research Policy, 30 (3), pp. 363-390, March 2001. (Published also in Hebrew, in the Economic Quarterly 46, November 1999, pp. 285-322).
“Knowledge Spillovers and Patent Citations: Evidence from A Survey of Inventors” (with Adam Jaffe and Michael S. Fogarty). American Economic Review, Vol. 90, Papers and Proceedings, May 2000, pp. 215-218.
“International Knowledge Flows: Evidence from Patent Citations” (with Adam Jaffe)., Economics of Innovation and New Technology, 1999, 8, pp. 105-136.
"Universities as a Source of Commercial Technology: A Detailed Analysis of University Patenting 1965-1988" (with R. Henderson and A. Jaffe). Review of Economics and Statistics, February 1998, Vol LXXX (1), pp. 119-127. (Reprinted in: Navaretti, G.B., Dasgupta, P., Maler K.G. and D. Siniscalco (eds.), Creation and Transfer of Knowledge. Berlin, Springer, 1998, pp. 87-114).
"University versus Corporate Patents: A Window on the Basicness of Invention." (with R. Henderson and A. Jaffe). Economics of Innovation and New Technology, 1997, 5 (1), pp. 19-50.
"Market Segmentation and the Sources of Rents from Innovation: Personal Computers in the late 1980's" (with Timothy Bresnahan and Scott Stern). Rand Journal of Economics, Special Issue in Honor of Richard Quandt, 1997, 28 (0), pp. S17-S44.
"Flows of Knowledge from Universities and Federal Laboratories: Modeling the Flow of Patent Citations over Time and across Institutional and Geographic Boundaries.” (with Adam Jaffe). Proceedings of the US National Academy of Sciences, November 1996, Vol. 93, 99. 12671-12677.
"General Purpose Technologies - Engines of Growth?" (with Timothy Bresnahan). Journal of Econometrics, January 1995, 65(1), pp. 83-108.
"Geographic Localization of Knowledge Spillovers as Evidenced by Patent Citations” (with A. Jaffe and R. Henderson). Quarterly Journal of Economics, Vol. 108, August 1993, pp. 577-598.
"A Penny for Your Quotes: Patent Citations and the Value of Innovations". The Rand Journal of Economics, Spring 1990, 21(1), 172-187.
"The Welfare Analysis of Product Innovations, with an Application to Computed Tomography Scanners". Journal of Political Economy, April 1989, 97(2), 444-479.
"The Diffusion of Innovations: A Methodological Reappraisal" (with S. Yitzhaki). Journal of Business and Economic Statistics, January 1989, 7(1), 35-47.
The Use of Multivariate Regression Analysis in Contrast-Detail Studies of CT Scanners". Medical Physics 11 (4), July/August 1984, 456-64.
"Performance in Innovation in the Israeli Electronics Industry: A Case Study in Biomedical Electronics Instrumentation". Research Policy 5, 1976, 354-379 (with M. Teubal and N. Arnon).
Working Papers
"Towards a New Fiscal Policy for Israel: Balancing Budgetary Responsibility and Societal Needs", The Samuel Neaman Institute for National Policy Research, the Technion, June 2019 (in Hebrew).
"Turning the Pyramid Upside - Down", The Samuel Neaman Institute for National Policy Research, the Technion, March 2019 (in Hebrew).
“Undoing the “Gordian Knot”: a transportation roadmap for the short run”. The Samuel Neaman Institute for National Policy Research, the Technion, September 2018. (in Hebrew).
"Together but Apart: ICT and Productivity Growth in Israel" (with Shaul Lach and Gil Shiff). The Samuel Neaman Institute, STE WP 41-2008, February 2008.
“Public Financial Support for Commercial Innovation – Europe and Central Asia Knowledge Economy Study Part I” (with Itzhak Goldberg, Adam Jaffe, Thomas Muller, Julie Sunderland and Enrique Blanco Armas). Chief Economist’s Regional Working Paper Series, Private and Financial Sector Development Department (ECSPF), The World Bank, Vol. 1 No. 2, January 2006.
“Empirical Implications of Physician Authority in Pharmaceutical Decision making” (with Scott Stern). NBER Working Papers, W6851, December 1998.
"Quantity Is All Very Well But Two Fiddles Don’t Make a Stradivarius - Aspects of Consumer Demand for Characteristics". Falk Institute for Economic Research, Discussion Paper # 7910, August 1979.
Chapters in Books
“Innovation Policy for Development: an Overview”. In Foray, D. (ed.), The New Economics of Technology Policy. Edward Elgar, 2009, pp. 367-395.
“Uncovering General Purpose Technologies using Patent Data” (with Bronwyn Hall). In Antonelli, C., D. Foray, B. H. Hall, and W. E. Steinmueller (eds.), New Frontiers in the Economics of Innovation and New Technology, Essays in Honor of Paul David. Edward Elgar, 2006.
“Crafting Defense R&D Policy in the Anti-Terrorist Era”. in A. Jaffe, J. Lerner and S. Stern (eds.), Innovation Policy and the Economy, Vol. 4, pp. 1 – 34, National Bureau of Economic Research, MIT Press, 2004.
“Is Canada Missing the ‘Technology Boat’? Evidence from Patent Data”. In Someshwar Rao and Andrew Sharpe (eds.), Productivity Issues in Canada, University of Calgary Press, 2002, pp. 245-280. Forthcoming also in Pierre Fortin and Craig Riddell (eds.), Growth, Employment and Technology: New Perspectives on Canadian Policies. McGill-Queen's University Press.
“R&D Policy in Israel: An Overview and Reassessment”. In Maryann P. Feldman and Albert N. Link (eds.), Innovation Policy in the Knowledge-Based Economy. Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2001, pp. 409-454. A slightly different version was published also as “Government Support for Commercial R&D: Lessons from the Israeli Experience.” In A. Jaffe, J. Lerner and S. Stern (eds.), Innovation Policy and the Economy, Vol. 2, National Bureau of Economic Research, MIT Press, 2002.
“Patient Welfare and Patient Compliance: An Empirical Framework for Measuring the Benefits from Pharmaceutical Innovation” (with Paul Ellickson and Scott Stern). In Ernst R. Berndt and David M. Cutler. (eds.), Medical Care Output and Productivity. Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 2001, pp. 539-563.
"Diffusion of General Purpose Technologies” (with Elhanan Helpman). In Helpman, E. (ed.), General Purpose Technologies and Economic Growth. Cambridge: MIT Press, 1998.
"A Time to Sow and a Time to Reap: Growth Based on General Purpose Technologies" (with Elhanan Helpman). In Helpman, E. (ed.), General Purpose Technologies and Economic Growth. Cambridge: MIT Press, 1998.
"Quality-Adjusted Prices for the American Automobile Industry: 1906-1940” (with Daniel Raff). In Bresnahan, T. and R. Gordon (eds.), New Goods. Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 1997, pp. 71-101.
"Quality-adjusted Price Indices and the Measurement of Economic Growth", in Technology and Productivity, The Challenge for Economic Policy, O.E.C.D., Paris 1991, pp. 219-228.
Patents, Citations and Innovations: A Window on the Knowledge Economy (with Adam Jaffe). Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 2002. ISBN 0-262-10095-9. Includes data CD.
Economic Analysis of Product Innovation - The Case of CT Scanners. Cambridge, Mass: Harvard University Press, 1990. Co-winner of the 1990 International Joseph A. Schumpeter Society Biennal Prize Competition, and winner of the Robert Troup Paine Prize for 1986-1989 awarded by Harvard University Press.
Publications in Hebrew
“R&D, High Tech and Economic Growth.” The Economic Quarterly, 49, December 2002, pp. 628-237.
"Towards an Industrial and Technological Policy for Israel: Analytical Foundations and some Specific Proposals" (with M. Justman and M. Teubal, in Hebrew), The Economic Quarterly, 37, February 1987, 978-989.